Catwalk Kindness
Welcome to our Catwalk Kindness fundraiser using Raise Craze! This is a unique way for us to raise money for our school while making an impact in our community. During this fundraiser, the biggest one of the year at our school, students ask friends and family for donations via the online Raise Craze platform while paying it forward serving others. What a great way for us to teach our students the importance of kindness and gratitude while raising much needed funds. Students will spend time serving, not selling!
Registration Link:
- Enter your student’s name
- Select at least 3 Acts of Kindness
- Enter 5-10 email addresses of potential supporters. Raise Craze will send all emails, reminders and thank you notes. Emails will never be shared with third parties or used for marketing.
At A Glance: Dates: September 9 - September 27
Our Goal: $30,000 - a suggested donation of $75/student will accomplish this!
Every student can participate in Raise Craze by completing Acts of Kindness (AOK), so we’re aiming for 100% participation. As a little encouragement, teachers will be recognizing “Kindness On the Spot” when they see students being kind. Their names will be on morning and/or afternoon announcements, so please talk to your student about ways he or she might show kindness at school.
I know there are a lot of asks at the beginning of the school year, but this is done to ensure we have the budget available for all the fun things we plan throughout the year. This year, that includes the return of the LES Carnival, an outdoor movie night in the spring, an Extreme Science all-school assembly, as well as continuing to pay for field trips and a yearbook for each and every student, supplemental curriculum technology programs iXL and BrainPop, and staff grants and curriculum support to ensure teachers aren’t spending their own money on classroom items. All of this comes out to roughly $170/student that the PTO spends to fund and facilitate an incredible academic and social experience for our students and staff. Thank you so much for your support!
Need help getting started? Check out the Raise Craze Instructional Video at instructional-video/ or contact Lisa Gaetano at
Want to donate without setting up a fundraising page? You can donate HERE, or you can Venmo your donation to @LeawoodElementaryPTO! Just put your student's name and teacher in the note. Thanks!
We're on the hunt for our 2024-25 CATWALK corporate sponsors! If your business is interested or you have a lead for for us, please email to let us know!